*Overview-Core Payroll Styles
There are three styles of entering payroll data. All employees can be entered into 1 screen or multiple screens. All hourly/salary can be entered into hourly or salary screen. Core Payroll Salary Screen Record an employee salary and benefits. ...
Hourly Staffing Article
On the Hourly Staffing screen, hourly employees/group of employees (as defined as either "Hourly" or "Both" in the SalaryHourly column on the Employee Roster) for a selected BudgetID): are selected; display position description/s and enter position ...
Payroll Assignments Article
On this screen non-hourly employees/group of employees (as defined on the Employee Roster) are selected, assigned their salaries (and salary increases), their Budget Account number/s and relevant employer salary expenses (as defined on the Payroll ...
Payroll Summary Report Article
Tutorial Link Purpose: This report displays all of the payroll data which may include employee name, orgunit, annual salary, and benefits. The report can be sorted and subtotaled by any of the columns displayed. There is no total row ...
Payroll Assignments Calendar Article
Tutorial Link Purpose: In general, payroll as defined on Payroll Assignments can be distributed across fiscal periods based on number of pay periods, number of working days, or any other measure. Use this window to map the number of pay periods ...
Employee Roster Article
Tutorial Link Print, Export to Excel, Print to PDF, Auto-fit Columns, Filter, Copy and Paste, and Attachments functionality is available. The following "Right-Click" Menu and Short-Cut Keys: Employees must first be entered in the roster before ...
Hourly or Eligiblity Calendar Article
Tutorial Link PURPOSE: Hourly or Eligibility Calendar is the screen on which the organization defines the number of pay periods by which they wish to budget hours worked and to which fiscal month each applies. Pay period can be the true pay ...
Payroll Expense Definitions Article
Tutorial Link Purpose: The Payroll Expense Definitions window enables you to define employer payroll-related expenses. This feature of the system is optional. Note: A change in Payroll Expense Definitions needs to “Recalc Payroll Trx” in order to ...
Payroll Checkbox and Payroll Projections Sub-tab Article
When the "Payroll" checkbox is checked on the Manage Objects it automatically checks the "Payroll" box on the Manage Budget Accounts for all Accounts numbers that include the Object code. If you do not want a particular Budget Account number to be ...