Filter Article
The Filer functionality gives the ability to limit the data displayed on the screen to user defined filter criteria. The below example is using the Monthly Actual Trx Review report. The red box highlights which fields can be filtered. By clicking ...
Fiscal Year Configuration & Period Labels Article
The Fiscal Period Configuration is found in the Manage Company Databases/Company Definitions screen on the Period labels tab. This is where the company's fiscal period configuration and fiscal period labels are assigned. At any point in time these ...
Form/Report Article
The Form/Report functionality provides the ability to: 1) Display comparative data from prior year actuals and/or budgets on the Basic Budget Entry screen. These Forms are setup in Define Basic Budgets Entry Forms. 2) Customize the data to be ...
Object (Main Account) Article
The Object is our term for the Main Account or Natural Account segment of the GL Account of the ERP Software (Revenue, Expense, Asset or Liability). The Object can be a single GL segment or can be the concatenation of a main account segment and one ...
Search Article
The Search feature provides the ability to customize the data you wish to view. 1) Make your selection from the dropdown menus. Please note that fields that are designated with a "*" are required. 2) Then click on the search button. Once the search ...
Select/Deselect All Article
The Select All functionality allows all rows on a screen to be selected for processing/actions that you wish to apply to all lines. For example, you may wish to Lock all rows. Click in the indicated box until all rows are selected. Below indicates ...
Refresh Spread Method Source Values Article
The Simple Spread Methods provides the option to spread a budget over months in the budget year using as the spread basis Actual data from Great Plains Accounting (ERP) software. Should the selected Actual spread year remain open for posting, ...
Assumptions Sub-Tab Article
This a sub-tab on the Account Details tab. Please see Budgeting Dashboard, Basic Budget Entry, Custom Budget Entry, Custom Reports, or Custom Reports with Line Item Details articles on how to use the functionality on this sub-tab. Please note that ...
Budget Summary-Acct History Article
This displays information using the full Great Plains account number for BudgetIDs that have the "InSummary" box checked on the Manage Budgets screen. If the BudgetID does not contain any information for the viewed account it will not display. ...
Budget Summary-Monthly Variances Article
This functionality displays comments/notes that has been entered through the Monthly Budget vs Actuals Variance Analysis screen for an account. In the below example we are accessing the comments/notes for Account No. 100-6170-00 for 2014 Actuals. Go ...
Budget Summary-View Save History Article
This functionality provides an Audit Trial including the user name of the person who updated the information. 1) The current data is displayed on the Account Detail screen as indicated. 2) Once this data is overwritten the history is displayed in ...
Copy and Paste Article
This functionality works in a similar way to the related Excel functionality. Data can be copied and pasted into Dynamic Budgets screens and also into Excel, Word and other programs. A) Coping and Pasting Data from a Single Cell to One or Multiple ...
Dashboard Tab Article
This is the default tab when the following menu items are opened. Please note the data items on the screens can differ and that the data elements on some tabs can be customized. 1. Budgeting Dashboard 2. Basic Budget Entry 3. Custom Budget Entry ...
Budget Summary Article
This is the lower part of the screen found on Accounts Details tab. The following tabs are the default display: Acct History; Monthly Variances; Lookup Sync Status; Main Acct History; and View Save History. The ability to display or hide tabs is ...
Show Rollup Sub-Totals Article
This standard feature is used in conjunction with Row Format feature as well as the Display Level functionality. 1) Use to pull down to select "Show Rollup Sub-Total"; and 2) Search. Please note the subtotals highlighted in yellow above and compare ...
Exclude Row Function Article
This standard functionality is available in a number of screens including Basic Budget Entry/Account Details and Import Budget Assumptions. By checking the "Exclude" box, the data on that row is not included in calculations for the Total. This ...
Row to Row Calculations Article
This standard functionality is available on a number of screens including Basic Budget Entry/Account Details and Import Budget Assumptions. Please note that this functionality can be used in conjunction with the Exclude Row Function and the ...
Lookup Article
This standard functionality provides the ability to access data that is within the system and then copy the data to the appropriate Assumption Grid. The general process will be discussed first followed by a review of the available data. The Lookup ...
Account Details Tab Article
This tab can be accessed from the Dashboard tab by: 1. Drill - Blue Line; 2. Drill - Formatted Columns 3. By clicking on the tab as per below: Please see the Budgeting Dashboard, Basic Budget Entry, Custom Budget Entry, Custom Reports, and Custom ...
OrgUnit Article
This term refers to base unit of budgeting. It was selected as a neutral definition because organizations use varies terms including Departments, Cost Centers etc. OrgUnits are defined in System Management / Companies / Manage Company Databases *Do ...
BudgetID Article
This terms refers to either: Actual data for a given fiscal year that is imported in from Great Plains Accounting software (ERP); An Historic Budget that is imported; A budget that is setup in Dynamic Budgets; or A forecast that is setup in Dynamic ...
Expand/Contract Data Display Box Article
To expand or contact the data display box hover your cursor at the edge of the box until the double sided white arrow appears and then "right-click" and drag the box with your mouse to the size you wish.
Print to PDF Article
To print to PDF, click on the below button: The following screen will come up: 1) Navigate to the location where you would like to save the file; 2) Name the file: 3) Save the file. The following export monitoring screen will then appear: Then when ...
Print Article
To print, click on the below Print icon: This will open up the below screen where you can change the print setup criteria: Click on "OK" and the below screen will appear where you can continue to change the print setup criteria: Click on "Print" and ...
Using Right and Left Pointing Arrows to Select/Deselect Article
When a screen presents the following format, users are required to select or deselect report criteria depending on their needs. To select all Available data click on the button. And to deselect all Selected data click on the button. To select ...
Drill - Formatted Columns Article
When Formatted Columns are displayed on the screen there is generally underlying data that can be drilled into, such as transaction detail from Great Plains Accounting Software or budget detail. For customizable forms/reports the Column ...
AutoSynch and Synch OrgUnit Permissions Article
When new Account Numbers are setup in Great Plains Accounts ("ERP") software it is necessary to maintain a mirror image of those Account Numbers in Dynamic Budgets. This process is managed through the Synchronize Chart of Accounts and its related ...
Budget Summary-Lookup Sync Status Article
When the Lookup data is edited on the Account Details/Assumption screen, the Refresh Lookup Syn Status functionality can be used to confirm that the data has been changed. When the data has been changed the box turns from "Green" to "Red" as per the ...
Refresh Lookup Sync Status Article
When the Lookup functionality is used and the data is copied over from the Data Shopping Cart to the Account Details/Assumptions screen it appears as below, namely, the Green box indicates that the data is the same as the source data. The above data ...
Reference Drill Down Screens Article
When the below "Right-Click" menu options are used the resultant data screen is the Reference Drill Down screen: Below is an example of the screen when the "Preview Budget" is clicked:
Year-to-Date (YTD) Article
Year-to-Date is a relative term referring to the sum of values from the Fiscal Year start through to the period selected. For example: 1) If the fiscal year runs from January to December, by reporting on YTD data in February, the data will include ...