How Do I Update Actuals That Have Changed When They Are Used As Budget Assumptions? Article
Please see Synchronize Lookups.
How Do I Manually Adjust Payroll Amounts on the Account Details tab? Article
Please see the Adjustments Sub-tab article.
How Do I Right-Click on an Apple Computer? Article
Please see the below linked article: How to Right-Click on a Mac
How Do I Change/Update a Custom Budget Entry Form? Article
Please see the Define Custom Budget Entry Forms article. The Define Custom Budget Entry Forms screen is accessed:
How Do I to Delete an OrgUnit? Article
Please see the Manage OrgUnits article for more information. There are two options: Uncheck the IsBudgeted and InReports checkboxes to hide the unused departments. (They will still be using up licensed units); or If you are running short on OrgUnit ...
How Do I Report on Several Master Chart of Actual Account Numbers Compared to a Single Budget Account Number? Article
Please see the Report Level GL Code, Object or Object Rollup article.
Sych Accounts Not Reporting Missing Accounts Article
Possible situation where an account was deleted in GP, but never deleted from Dynamic Budgets. That count of +1 in DynBud might be offsetting the count of a newly created account in GP. Will need to do some SQL work, please contact Dynamic Budgets ...
When and Why Do I Use "Sensitive Levels" and/or "Sensitive"? Article
The assignment of the Sensitive settings provides a way to restrict viewing access to Object/Main Account and/or Budget Account Numbers. The assignment of these Sensitive settings is completed on the Assign User Permissions screen on the OrgUnit ...
How does the "Sensitive" Security Hierarchy Works - (Why Don't I See Data)? Article
The assignment of the Sensitive settings provides a way to restrict viewing access to Object/Main Account Number and/or Budget Account Numbers. The assignment of these Sensitive settings is completed on the Assign User Permissions screen on ...
What is the Relationship between the Master Chart of Accounts and Dynamic Budget's Budget Account Numbers? Article
The below chart shows the relationship between Great Plains Accounting ("ERP") software General Ledger ("GL") Chart of Accounts Numbers and Dynamic Budget's Budget Account Numbers. To enlarge the chart, "double-click" on it and it will open in a new ...
How Do I Add/Delete BudgetIDs Displayed on the Budget Summary? Article
The Budget Summary is found on the Account Detail tab in Budgeting Dashboard , Basic Budget Entry , Custom Budget Entry , Custom Reports , and Custom Reports with Line Item Details. The ability to display or not display a BudgetID on the Budget ...
How Do I Clone/Duplicate an Existing User's Profile, Company and OrgUnit Permissions to a New User? Article
The clone/duplication feature is found on the Assign User Permissions/User Profile tab. 1. Highlight the User you wish to clone/duplicate by clicking anywhere in the row . Their User Profile will appear to the right; 2. Enter the new User ID ...
What To Do When Exporting a Budget with Account Numbers that No Longer Exist in GP? Article
The Export Budget To GP will fail if the export includes Budget Account Numbers that no longer exist in Great Plains Accounting ("ERP") software. 1. If necessary, move any budgeted amount from the old accounts to active accounts in Dynamic Budgets. ...
Error Message on Log-in: "Log-in Failed, please check server name, database, username and/or password" Article
The following procedures might resolve the inability to log-in: 1) Right click on the Desktop icon: And then select Click "yes" if you get a message and then the regular log-in screen will appear. Enter the Administrator ID and password and launch. ...
How to Convert Revenue Display from Negative to Positive in Dynamic Budgets Article
The following setting in Manage Company Databases determines whether revenue Account Numbers will display as negative or as positive values. To change the display from negative to positive values: 1) Click the Positive Values radio button and then ...
How Do I Setup a Forecast Using Prior Year Actuals Increased by a Percentage? Article
The Forecast template you wish to use will need to have been setup and listed in Manage Budgets as will have the required account numbers. Please see the How Do I Create a Budget Using Prior Year Actuals Increased by a Percentage? article on how to ...
Can I Change the Sort Order of a Menu Item? Article
The functionality to change the sort order of a Menu Item is found in App Config/Menu Editor/Menu Editor tab. Click on the Menu Editor tab; Click on the Menu Item for which you wish to change the sort order and the Editable and Read Only fields for ...
Can I Customize the Title of a Menu Item? Article
The functionality to customize the title of a Menu Item is found in App Config/Menu Editor/Menu Editor tab. 1. Click on the Menu Editor tab; 2. Click on the Menu Item for which you wish to customize the title and the Editable and Read Only fields for ...
Can I Move Items to Another Menu Header? Article
The functionality to move a Menu Item to another Menu Header is found in App Config/Menu Editor/Menu Editor tab. 1.Click on the Menu Editor tab; 2.Click on the Menu Item for which you wish to move to another Menu Header and the Editable and ReadOnly ...
Payroll is accrued by the number of Working days in the month; how is the Budget Setup? Article
The length of the payroll period is controlled in the Payroll menu on the Payroll Assignments Calendar . Search by company and budgetid. Change the number of pay periods to the number of working days per month, for example in given year January might ...
How Do I Create New User/s Using the Windows Corporate Directory? Article
The Microsoft Windows Corporate Directory stores User IDs and passwords. Dynamic Budgets can import in this Directory and use it for log-in purposes. The advantage is that users have a single User ID and password for both Windows and Dynamic Budgets. ...
Can I Change the Number of Annual Payroll Hours Used in Calculations? Article
The number of hours can be changed on the App Config/Menu Editor as per below. Enter the number of hours you would to use and then click . For example, the number of hours per payroll year is used in calculating the AnnualizedSalary on Hourly ...
What is the Difference Between Payroll and Hourly Staffing? Article
The overall difference between Payroll Assignments and the Hourly Staffing is that employee/group of employees pay on Payroll Assignments screen is pay is entered as a single amount which can then be managed to a overall percentage by month ($50,000 ...
What Do I Do When Application User is Setup with Payroll Security But Does not See Payroll Menu? Article
The reason a user might not see the Payroll Menu: when they have been setup: With payroll permission on the Assign User Permissions; and As an Application User Is that viewing hidden menus on the App Config/Menu Editor only applies to users with ...
How Do I Enter Benefits When Eligibility is After New Hire Start Date? Article
The system is designed to budget for benefits that start after the new employee's hire date. In our example, John Smith will begin work on January 1 and per policy his health benefits will start three months later on April 1 while his parking ...
What Do I Do When I Cannot Get the Payroll Assignment's Eligible Date Field to Work? Article
The Hourly or Eligibility Calendar needs to be defined with at least a 12 month calendar as it provides support to the Eligible Date field. Please define your company's payroll calendar. Below is an example of a calendar that has been setup and ...
What Is the Difference Between the Budget Data Entry Screens? Article
There are four budget data entry screens to choose from. The Basic Budget Entry screen was designed to provide a familiar 12 month entry format by budget account number for organizations who have used legacy software. Simple Spread Methods (for ...
How Do I Setup a Budget for the New Year? Article
There are two options: 1) Duplicating a Prior Year budget in whole are in part; 2) Setting up a completely new budget.
How Does Payroll Security work? Article
There are two components to security: Firstly, access to elements of the Payroll module can be limited to specific users. Secondly, information that users can see and change can also be controlled. This security applies to data throughout the ...
How Do I Setup and Display Actual Reporting (ERP BudgetID)? Article
There is an live actual data link (automatic) between the ERP (Great Plains Accounting ERP) and Dynamic Budgets. In order for the actual data to display, a linked BudgetID for each fiscal year of actual data needs to be setup in Manage Budgets. A) ...
Can I Customize "META" Tags on Employee Roster? Article
These Tags can be customized on App Config/Menu Editor/Employee Roster.
The INSERT Permission was Denied on the Object 'GL00201', Database Article
This error indicates that the SQL login used for the program (typically dynbud) does not have access rights in GP to export the budgets. Please have IT run Grant Select, Insert, Update, Delete, References on GL00201 to [dynbud]
App\SearchProfiles\SearchParameters.(userID).xml' is denied Article
This error may occur the first time a user logs into the program or the first time they try to click search. Please close the error window and either try to login or re-run the search. If it clears up no further action is required. If the problem ...
Error Fetching User Records from Active Directory - A referral was returned from the server Article
This error occurs when the Active Directory Connection either needs to be setup or is broken between the Server and Dynamic Budgets. Please see Import Active Directory Users/Manage Active Directory Connections Tab on how to setup the Active Directory ...
How Do I Prevent Users from Drilling Down on Accounts? Article
This functionality can be used to: A) from a security viewpoint prevent Users from Drilling Down on Account detail; and B) prevent accidental Drill Down on high volume accounts which can result in system slowdown. 1) Search for the Object for which ...
How Do I Setup Reports to Show 2 Decimal Points? Article
This functionality is managed in the APP Config Menu Editor. Please note the below is for your information. Please contact Dynamic Budgets to discuss changes to the App Config/Menu Editor. You will need a password to access this menu. 1) Scroll ...
Binding Source Cannot be its own Datasource Error Article
This is typically only a sporadic error. Usually you can just hit search or save a second time and you won’t receive the error again. Wish we had a better answer this is just a really odd error typically when things are trying to read and write at ...
How Do I Create a Budget Using Prior Year Actuals Increased by a Percentage? Article
This process requires the use of the Import Budget Assumptions and Copy Bulk Assumptions. The budget template you wish to populate will need to have been setup and listed in Manage Budgets as will have the required budget account numbers. Please ...
Account-Debit or Credit Setup (Typical Balance)? Article
To review the Typical Balance (debit or credit) for an account go to the Export Budget to GP screen: 1) Select the CompanyDB and BudgetID you wish to review; and 2) Click on Search. 3) All accounts will display including the nature of the Typical ...
How to Zero Out All 12 Months in Assumptions Details Article
update assumptions set P01=0, P02=0, P03=0, P04=0, P05=0, P06=0, P07=0, P08=0, P09=0, P10=0, P11=0, P12=0 where budgetid='Year (type the year, i.e. 2019) Budget' and assumption =' '
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