About Article
This page tells us what version of Dynamic Budgets you are on. The "fresh date" is the version date and number.
How to update your license
Please find attached an updated temporary license. Right-click on the Dynamic Budgets icon on your desktop. Choose Open File Location. Paste the file into this folder, choose Replace file when prompted. Re-launch Dynamic Budgets, you should be good ...
How Do I Setup Payroll? Article
1) Enable account number to be used for payroll budgeting on the Manage Budget Accounts by: A) checking the "Payroll" box for the appropriate account; and B) then saving your work. 2) Add the employees/groups of employees you wish to budget to using ...
How Do I Build Links Between Accounts and Vendors? Article
1) Navigate to System Management \ Objects \ Manage Accounts - Dimension Links: 2) Search on the Orgunit or Object; 3) Go to the white column for Vendors and choose "Optional", and 4) then Save. When you go back to the account drill down page to ...
How Do I Enter a Position that is Budgeted to Different OrgUnits and/or ActNum? Article
1) On the Payroll Assignments screen enter the position assignment as per usual. Please see the Payroll Assignments for instructions. Select this position. 2) When the position is selected in 1. above, the "Specify Payroll FTE Allocations for ...
How Do I Enter a Position That Is Less Then Full Time? Article
1) On the Payroll Assignments screen enter the position assignment as per usual. Please see the Payroll Assignments for instructions. The salary should be entered at an amount commensurate with that of a full-time employee. In our example, the ...
How Do I Delete Payroll FTE Allocations? Article
1) Select the EmployeeID for which you wish to delete the FTE Allocation; 2) Select the FTE Allocation you wish to delete; 3) Right-click to expose the short-cut menu; 4) Select "Delete"; and 5) A pop-up message will appear to confirm the deletion; ...
Can I Copy OrgUnit Permissions from a User to Another User? Article
1. Select the User whose Permissions you wish to copy on Assign User Permissions. 2. Navigate to the OrgUnit Permissions tab; 3. Click the "Copy Permissions" button and the below screen will appear: Note we have highlighted in yellow the information ...
Can I Delete Granted OrgUnit Permissions? Article
1. To delete granted OrgUnit/s Permissions for a given User select their User Profile on the Assign User Permissions Select the OrgUnit by checking the box. Click on Delete Selected Permissions. Then Click on Save User. Below illustrates the deletion ...
How Do I Create A New User Using Dynamic Budget's Security? Article
A new user setup to use Dynamic Budget's security is created either on the Assign User Permissions or the Map Users to Companies. Once the user is created the next step is to setup the new users security from afresh. Users assigned the System ...
What Can the Different Roles Do To Set Security and What Menus Can Each Role See? Article
A User's role is defined when the User is setup. The default role is Application User. Roles can be changed on the Assign User Permissions/User Profile Tab. Feature Access, and Admin Menu Access is also managed on the Assign User Permissions. The ...
How Do I Add Assets and Related Forecast Projections from Great Plains Accounting Software? Article
A) In Great Plains Accounting Software update your projection: Tools \ Routines \ Fixed Assets \ Projection B) In Dynamic Budgets Go to tools\Import Budget Assumptions Choose CompanyDB and BudgetID; then Using the Lookup functionality click on the ...
How Do I Activate and Use Account Level Security? Article
Access to an individual Budget Account Number can be controlled. Account Level security is turned on at the Budget Account Number level and is assigned at the Budget Account Number level. In comparison "Sensitive Levels" and "Sensitive" is turned ...
Can I Change the Master Chart of Account Description? Article
Account descriptions are imported into Dynamic Budgets from Great Plains Accounting ("ERP") software during the Synchronize Chart of Accounts process. The descriptions can be changed in Dynamic Budgets on Manage Master Chart of Accounts. 1. Search ...
Object Reference Error Article
An uncommon error which usually indicates that a dependent piece of information is missing. Possible Causes: 1) If occurs while trying to login to the application, this would indicate an unrecognized windows network UserID. This generally means that ...
Budget Reallocation-View Budget Reallocation Article
Budget Reallocation is a forecast tool that provides the ability to reallocate budgeted dollars between selected data groups on a net zero basis. This is a way to provide flexibility while at the same time maintaining overall control of the budget ...
How Do I Report on Account Segments? Article
ERP Accounts include all segments of the account number. Objects combine segments of the full account number. Tags in Manage ERP Accounts can be used to group like segments together for reporting purposes on Define Row Formats. For example, the ...
Error while trying to upload an attachment - process cannot access the file Article
Error while trying to upload an attachment - process cannot access the file. A file must be closed before you try to attach it in Dynamic Budgets. Simply close the file and try to attach it again.
What are Fixed Calc Entries and How Can They Be Used? Article
Fixed Calc Entries are a spreadsheet-like data entry form in which the rows can be user specified and the columns are the months in the fiscal year. Fixed Calc Entries spreadsheets are setup on the Manage Fixed Calc Templates and Configure Fixed ...
How Can I Use Global Variables? Article
Global Variables are setup to store statistical (nonfinancial and non-system based financial) data. They are setup in Manage Global Variables. Global Variables can be used in Row to Row Calculations on the Assumptions Sub-tab for a specified/linked ...
When Should I Delete a User versus Making the User Inactive? Article
If a user has a complicated set of department security rights it can be helpful to inactivate the user when they no longer need system access. When a new person who needs the same security as the inactive person is identified the Duplicate User ...
How Do I Log-In? Article
If you are setup as a Windows User the log-in process is: 1. First log into your computer using your Windows log-in. Open Dynamic Budgets and check the "Use My Windows Login" box. This will automatically enter your Windows UserID and grey out the ...
How Do I Convert An Existing User to a Windows Log-in? Article
If you know the Windows domain\user go to Assign User Permissions click on the original app user ID on the left, go to the bottom of the right pane, type in the domain\user ID in the Duplicate User text box, choose Windows account radio button and ...
How to Enable Account Level Security Article
If you want to enable Account Level Security in the Assign User Permissions Screen (Orgunit permissions tab) you will need to change a system setting. Goto System Management \ More \ App Config – Menu Editor Enter the System Password when prompted ...
Revenues and Expenses Don't Net-Reports are Summing Absolute Values Article
If your revenues and expense are summing absolute values instead of netting out, there are 2 places to check Typical Fixes: (Assuming you wish to display and enter CR balance accounts (aka Revenues) as positive values) Check Define Row formats and ...
What Do I Do to NOT create a Budget Account Number for a Previously Synchronized ERP GL Account? Article
In many cases, Budget Account Numbers are a subset of all available Great Plains Accounting Software "ERP" Accounts Numbers because not all ERP Accounts Numbers are required for budgeting and therefore do not need to be created. When an ERP Account ...
Why Don't I See An Account Number? Article
In order for an Account Number to be visible all segments of the Account Number needs to be setup, therefore the OrgUnit and the Object. In addition the Account Number needs to have been setup. 1) To view whether the OrgUnit has been setup see ...
How Do I Budget for Multiples FTEs for the Same Position? Article
Instead of creating unique positions for each employee, when employees share a position title, an average salary and benefits a single position can be setup and applied to these employees. For example, a hospital employs 20 registered nurses in a ...
Slow Performance in the Budget Dashboard/Saving Account Details Article
Its a best practice to initially search on smaller sets of accounts so when the save and refresh occurs it only has to reload a few accounts vs all accounts. One thing to point out, the more accounts you have in the screen, the longer it will take to ...
How Do I Calculate a Budget Line Item/s Based on Budgeted/Actual Data of Another Line Item/s? Article
Lookup is the standard functionality which provides the ability to access data that is within the system and then fetch the data to the appropriate budget Assumptions Sub-tab. Non-system data can also be imported in the Assumptions Sub-tab using the ...
How Do I Hide/Unhide Menu Items? Article
Menu items can be: Visible to Users and Administrators; Hidden from Users but visible to Administrators; or Hidden from Users and Administrators. The process to hide menus is completed on App Config/Menu Editor on the Menu Editor tab. Using the ...
How Do I Add/Delete BudgetIDs on the Budgeting Search Dropdown Menu? Article
On the Budgeting Dashboard , and Basic Budget Entry screens the BudgetIDs dropdown menu provides the list of BudgetIDs that are available to be Searched on. The list of BudgetIDs in the dropdown menu is determined on the Manage Budgets screen. ...
How Do I Customize "Tag" titles? Article
On the Manage OrgUnits , Manage Objects , and Manage ERP Accounts the "Tag" title can be customized. Below the title for "Tag1" was customized to "Division": "Tag" titles are customized on App Config/Menu Editor :. To customize a title, type in the ...
How Do I Enter an Employee that Starts During the Budget Year? Article
On the Payroll Assignments select the "EmployeeID" that will start during the year. Then using the "Specify Payroll FTE Allocations" enter in their OrgUnit and ActNum and the portion of FTE time the employee will start work in the appropriate ...
How Do I Setup a User Profile, Company and OrgUnit Permissions for a New User Or Edit An Existing User? Article
Once a User has been created (please see How Do I Create New User/s Using the Windows Corporate Directory? or How Do I Create A New User Using Dynamic Budget's Security? for more information), the next steps are to assign them with Profile elements, ...
How Do I Add a New OrgUnit? Article
OrgUnits can be added through the "Yellow-Brick Road" tool on Synchronize Chart of Accounts or directly through the Add OrgUnits screen. Once the OrgUnit has been added, additional setup must be completed on the Manage OrgUnits .
Can I Enter Payroll Increases as a % or as a $ on Payroll Assignments and Hourly Staffing? Article
Please contact Dynamic Budgets to assist with changing these setups. Payroll increases can either be setup to be entered as a percentage or as an absolute dollar amount. This option is managed on the App Config/Menu Editor/Payroll. Enter 1 to set ...
Export to ERP Failed-The year of the source budget does not match the year of the destination budget Article
Please go to Manage Budgets and check that the year associated with budget is correct. For example if it is the 2016 Budget, make sure it is 2016. If necessary check Great Plains Accounting (ERP) software and make sure the year of 2016 budget is ...
What Do I Do When There is the Error Message "Capex Labels Have Not Been Defined for Company DB"? Article
Please go to Manage Company Databases: Click on the blue link for your company; Click on the Capex Labels; Copy from the Year on the Left and Paste to the Year Label column on the right or enter your own custom labels for Fiscal Years; And hit save
What Report Shows Assumptions for All Budget Accounts on One Screen? Article
Please see Budget Details - Account Assumptions report. Please note that the report generated is dependent on the User's security permissions.
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