For IT Administrators
What IT Wants to Know-Installation Overview Article
System Overview Dynamic Budgets is a 30Mb .Net connected client application Typically the application is installed to a single share folder, and users launch the application from shortcuts placed on their desktops. Alternatively many customers will ...
Upgrading Dynamic Budgets Article
1) Download the zip file 2) Extract/unzip the DynamicBudgets-App folder only. To unzip right-click the folder, click "Extract All", and the folder will unzip to the same directory as the original zip folder. 3) Copy/paste the files in the ...
Upgrades-Why won't the application files copy/paste? Article
During an upgrade, if the copy and paste of the application files is failing because a file is already in use, please check to see if any users are currently logged in. Click on View Logins/System Shutdown. Clicking the Show Log button will display a ...
Application Login Options Article
Dynamic Budgets has a two-fold login screen: The upper half of the login screen authenticates the user to the application The lower half authenticates the application with the SQL Server Application Login Options: Application specific user account ...
How to Fix Slow Query Performance (System Slowness) Article
If both Great Plains Accounting Software and Dynamic Budgets are running slowing there might be an issue with the SQL server. Please contact your IT departments to discuss. However if you are noticing that only Dynamic Budgets is seems to be running ...
Upgrade Process-Including Moving to a New SQL Server Article
If you are moving the DynamicBudgets_App share folder to a new server, please ensure the following DynamicBudgets-App Client folder access: 1) Please ensure that the person who is to upgrade/patch the software has full control of the new ...
View Logins / System Shutdown Article
Tutorial Link Video Link Purpose: During System Maintenance, System Managers are the only users allowed in the system. The System Admin can disconnect all users, with a 3-min warning, that are currently connected to the application.