This screen provides the Administrator the ability to spread budget data entered by users. In other words, users can enter a budgeted number for the year in a single month, say January, and the Administrator can then spread this number using the Simple Spread Methods.
The following Right Click Menu and Short Cut Keys are available:
The setting whether hide or show Period Columns (P00 - P12) is available on App Config/Menu Editor/Application Configuration tab:
1) Select from the dropdown menus the Company DB and Source BudgetID that you wish to spread - in our example, the FY15 Budget;
2) Select the Destination BudgetID that you wish to spread the data to, in our example the FY201711 budget. Please note the Source budget and the Destination budget do not need to be the same BudgetID.
3) Click the "Show Source Data" button; and
4) The Source data will display; in our example FY15 Budget data.
5) Select the row/s for the data you wish to spread;
6) Select the SpreadMethodID from the dropdown menu;
7) Click the "Calculate Now" button; and
8) the spread data will appear according to the SpreadMethodID.
10) Click the "Process Spread Data" button to process the spread data into the Destination BudgetID;
11) The system will warn you if there is data in the Destination BudgetID. Please note that this process will overwrite existing budget account details. If you are OK with this overwrite, click "Yes".
In our example, there was an original value of $0:
When "Yes" is clicked the process will run the following message will appear. Click "OK" to exist the pop-up screen.
Now if we refresh our search on the FY201711 BudgetID we will note that the $0 has changed to $22,100 spread monthly: