Form/Report Article

Form/Report Article

The Form/Report functionality provides the ability to:

1) Display comparative data from prior year actuals and/or budgets on the Basic Budget Entry screen.  These Forms are setup in Define Basic Budgets Entry Forms.

2) Customize the data to be displayed on the Custom Budget Entry screen.  These Forms are setup in Define Custom Budgets Entry Forms.

3) Display a custom Report that was defined in Define Custom Reports on the Custom Reports  and the Custom Reports with Line Item Details screens.

To select a Form/Report click on the below pulldown menu and make a selection.

The below shows a Basic Budget Entry screen without using a Form; please note that only the 2016 Test BudgetID data is displayed.

Now compare the above to the below where the "test" Form was selected and 2014 Actual data is now displayed next to the original 2016 test BudgetID data.