Custom Budget Entry Article

Custom Budget Entry Article

   Tutorial Link
Custom Budget Entry is used for entering and viewing budgets.   As discussed in the Define Custom Budgets Entry Forms, all of the columns can be user defined.

Custom Budget Entry has two tabs: Dashboard and Account Details.

Other Budget entry and viewing screen options are the Budgeting Dashboard, and the Basic Budget Entry.

The Dashboard tab functionality differs between these options. All options have the Account Detail tab functionality.   Please see What is the Difference Between Each Budget Data Entry Option? for more information.

Capital expenditures are entered through the Manage Capex.

Dashboard tab:

At the top of the screen are the "Search" criteria. The "Advanced" Search functionality is available.

The Search criteria are:

a) CompanyDB - this is a required field;

b) OrgUnit  -in order for an OrgUnit to be available for budgeting the "IsBudgeted" box needs to be checked in Manage OrgUnits;

c) OrgUnit Rollup - these are defined in Manage OrgUnits

d) Object - in order for an Object to be available for budgeting the "IsBudgeted" box needs to be checked in Manage Objects;

e) Object Rollup - these are defined in Manage Objects; and

f) Form - This drop-down lists the "Enabled" Forms setup in "Define Custom Budget EntryForms".

Please note that when selecting a Form, Drill-Formatted Columns functionality may be available to access, for example, Actual data.

A specific AccountNum may be unavailable to budget because the Chart of Accounts synchronization and related processes need to be completed (Synchronize Chart of Accounts).

Standard functionality is available including SavingPrintExporting to ExcelPrint to PDFAuto-fit ColumnsColumn Data Sort - Ascending/Descending, Confirm Not Saved Popup, and Expand/Reduce Column Width.


The Save default is to refresh the screen on saving and this can be changed to skip the refresh by selecting from the above drop-down menu.

The format of the on screen data can be customized by using the Display LevelRow FormatShow Roll-up Sub-Totals and Expand/Collapse Rows functionality.

Please note that the Cell Math Functions and Copy and Paste functions are available for data entry. Cells that are white can be edited. Cells that are grey in color have a Row Lock.

Below is an example of a Define Custom Budget Entry forms that has been setup for Budget Entry in column 6.


Data Entry columns when setup defaults to "Month" and in the above example December was selected as the Fiscal Period. This mean that data entered on the Dashboard tab will default to the month of December on the Account Details tab. Data that is entered in other months will therefore not be reflected in the December data entry column on the Dashboard tab. It is recommended that an additional Year-to-Date column is setup to reflect the data entered for all months (see column 7).

And this is how the Custom Budget Entry screen looks like for the above definition:


Please note that there is a $500 difference between the December and 12 months columns for account number 000-4117-01.

The Account Details tab is accessed by Drilling down into the required AccountNum on the Dashboard tab.  And in our example, you can see that $500 was entered in January, and that the December total on the Account Details tab equals the December column amount on the Dashboard tab, namely, $1,005,000.


Please note that if Columns have been setup with on-screen calculations (for example, VarianceValues) and when a new entry is made, please" Save" your work to refresh the calculation.

In addition to the above mentioned, Drill-Formatted Columns functionality, the below "Right-Click" menu is available:


The Accounts Details tab

This screen only displays the data related to a single AccountNum.

The screen has two sections. The top half is the Assumptions tab and the bottom half is the Budget Summary section.

A) Assumptions tab

The standard SavingEdit Status and Account ApprovalAttachmentsConfirm not Saved PopupExpand/Reduce Column Width and Print to PDF functionality is available.

Data can be copied to/from Excel using the Copy and Paste feature. Comments and Spread can be viewed on clicking on the below button outlined in red.

This is what the screen will look like when the above "View Comment" and "Show Spread" buttons are clicked.


Comments can be entered by typing in the 'Comments" box and then clicking "Submit". The "View comments" button will change color from white to light beige to indicated that a comment has been saved.

Data can be entered using the Show Spread Calculation-Expanded Spread MethodSimple Spread MethodsRow to Row CalculationsCell Math FunctionsLookupCopy and PasteApply Number Formatting and Exclude Row Function.

In addition data can be entered using the Import Budget AssumptionsImport Budget Assumptions Multi Company, and Copy Bulk Assumptions functionality.

When Lookup data is changed, the Refresh Lookup Syn Status functionality together with the Budget Summary-Lookup Sync Status  can be used to view the change against the original Lookup data. Refresh Spread Method Source Values functionality is available.

The following "Right-Click" menu is available:


B) Budget Summary section.

There are five tabs which provide the following information:

1)  Acct History;

2) Monthly Variances;

3) Lookup Sync Status;

4) Main Acct History; and

5) View Save History

Please note that appropriate data from the above tabs can be Copy and Pasted. If example, information on a View Save History row could be copied to replace the newest version of the same data in Accounts Details.

Please see related article: How Do I Add/Delete BudgetIDs Displayed on the BudgetSummary?

Per below the view of the Budget Summary section: 1) Can be made larger/smaller by dragging the solid black line; and 2) Be hidden or revealed by clicking the double arrows.


The following "Right-Click" menu is available:


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