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When using the Duplicate Budgets-Duplication Assumptions process to duplicate a budget the process also duplicates the linked Global Variables. In the below example when the FY17 Budget was duplicated and renamed FY 17 Glob, the Global Variable "Corporate approved Information rate for 2015zg" was duplicated as well.
For example, below is the Budget Account 000-4112-00 of original budget showing the original linked Global Variable.
And below is the duplicated budget showing the same Global Variable linked to the same Budget Account.
However, in many cases it might be necessary to update the statistical information contained in the Global Variable and then link this updated information to all the Budget Account Numbers. The Remap Global Variables process is efficient because instead of manually using Lookup to relink each Budget Account Number individually, the process does so.
1. Search for the Global Variables that were copied to the new BudgetID. In our example we searched on FY 17 Glob and the search results shows that the Global Variable CalcName "Inflation '15" was duplicated.
2. To identify the Budget Account Numbers linked to "Inflation '15" Drill into it and below " Budget Accounts using the selected Global Variable" screen will appear.
3. As all Budget Account Numbers linked to the Global Variable are displayed, to view only those linked to the required BudgetID, Filter on it. In our example we would filter on "FY17 Glob". Please note in yellow is highlighted the setup of the Global Variable which can now be reviewed for appropriateness for purposes of the FY17 Glob budget.
4. If it is determined that the statistical data of the linked Global Variable needs to be updated/changed, generally it is best to copy the Global Variable, rename it and update it according.
5. Please see Manage Global Variables item 6 for how to do so. In our example, we copied "Inflation '15" and renamed it "Inflation '17" and updated it accordingly as below.