What are Fixed Calc Entries and How Can They Be Used? Article

What are Fixed Calc Entries and How Can They Be Used? Article

Fixed Calc Entries are a spreadsheet-like data entry form in which the rows can be user specified and the columns are the months in the fiscal year.  Fixed Calc Entries spreadsheets are setup on the Manage Fixed Calc Templates and Configure Fixed Calc Variables screens.  The spreadsheets are viewed and depending on how the spreadsheet template is setup, user controlled data is entered on the Fixed Calc Entry screen.  

The functionality that is available to setup and customize the spreadsheet is discussed in detail on the Manage Fixed Calc Templates and Configure Fixed Calc Variables screens.  Below are some example of how this functionality can be used.

A.  User Enters Total Number of Units to be Sold which is then Allocated Using a Formula to Specific Products.  Revenue per Product is Calculated 

This is how the Manage Fixed Calc Template screen would be setup:

And this is how the Fixed Calc Entry screen would look to the user:

1. Number of Units Sold entered by User, in this case, Patient Encounters.

2. Percent allocated to each product entered by User (Multiplier) and then calculation is according to setup.

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