Apply Variance Threshold Article

Apply Variance Threshold Article

By checking this box the Variance Threshold setup in the in Manage Company Databases/Company Definitions/Budget Variance tab will be applied to the  variance data. If a variance is below the threshold it will not display in the report if the box is checked.

The threshold are applied to the variances of current month and year search criteria.  Therefore in the below screen the threshold will apply to variances for February 2014.

Once the box is checked or unchecked the Search button needs to be clicked to apply the criteria to the data.

Below is an example of the Manage Company/Company Definitions/Budget Variance tab.

Below is a report without applying variance thresholds.  And below that is a report with the variance threshold applied;  please note that the first variance that is displayed is for Account Number 000-4180-00 as its variance is over the $1000 threshold. 

Report with "Apply Variance Threshold" checked.

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