Budget Reallocation-View Budget Reallocation Article

Budget Reallocation-View Budget Reallocation Article

Budget Reallocation is a forecast tool that provides the ability to reallocate budgeted dollars between selected data groups on a net zero basis.  This is a way to provide flexibility while at the same time maintaining overall control of the budget process.  The reallocation of dollars is completed in a "ReAllocation BudgetID" which can be distinct to the "Original BudgetID" thus preserving the original budget for historic purposes. 

For example, there are five OrgUnits and the total budget for these OrgUnits is $10,000. Three of the OrgUnits are expected to be on budget but OrgUnit A, which has a budget of $2,000 is expected to be underspent by $500 while OrgUnit B which has a budget of $2,500 is expected to require $500 more resources. Within the ReAllocation BudgetID  resources available for OrgUnit B can be increased by $500 to $3,000 while OrgUnit A can be reduced by $500 to $1,500. The overall budget for the five OrgUnits remains at $10,000.

The Budget Reallocation template is configured on Budget Reallocation-Configure Budget Reallocation.  On this screen a CompanyDB for a given Year are designated  with the required setup of Month (of entry), BudgetID- Original, BudgetID- Actual, BudgetID - Commitments and BudgetID - Reallocation.  The BudgetID are managed in Manage Budgets.    

Print, Export to Excel, Print to PDF, Auto-size Columns, Expand/Reduce Column Width, Filter, Copy and Paste, Drill-Formatted Columns, Display Level,  and Expand/Collapse Row View functionality is available.

The following Right Click Menu and Short Cut Keys are available:

Right clicking on an Actual column will provide the "YTD Transactions" drill down option.

The ability to manage which data group dollars can be reallocated and which users can do so is configured in  App Config/Menu Editor as below.

Please note that users data privileges for OrgUnits etc (view, write etc) are managed in Assign User Permissions/Org Unit Permissions.  Therefore users will only be able to view and manipulate data to which they have been given appropriate permissions.

1. Dollars can be reallocated between Account Numbers for OrgUnits  that have been designated with the same OrgRollup in Manage OrgUnits.  Dollars cannot be reallocated between different OrgRollups.

2. Dollars can be reallocated between Account Numbers within a single OrgUnit.  Dollars cannot be reallocated between different OrgUnits.

3. Dollars can be reallocated for the same Object between OrgUnits provided the Object has been designated with the same ObjectRollup.  Dollars cannot be reallocated between different Objects within the same ObjectRollup nor between different ObjectRollups.

4.  Dollars can be reallocated between Account Numbers of a single OrgUnit.  Dollars can neither be reallocated between OrgUnits nor OrgRollups.

5. From the drop down menu select the Company DB and the Year.  As discussed above this selection will reference the Budget Reallocation - Configure Budget Reallocation and will populate a, b, c, d and f below with the configuration.

6. From the drop down menu select the Format you wish to use as discussed in 1. - 4. above.

7.  From the drop down menus select other criteria as required.

Objects and their related Budget Account Numbers can be hidden from this screen and therefore would not be available for Reallocation.  For example, it might be desirable to hide Payroll accounts.  To hide an Object uncheck the "InReallocation" box on the Manage Objects:

8. Click "Search" and a report similar to the below should appear.

a. This column is for information purposes only.

b. This is the working reallocation BudgetID  and is used in both the "Remaining to Spend" (e) and "End of Year Position" (h) calculations.
c. This is Actual data which is used in the "Remaining to Spend" (e) calculation.
d. This is Commitments data and is used in the "Remaining to Spend" (e) calculation.
e. The formula for this column is: e = b - c- d.   It is expected that this formula will drive the BudgetID selections made in Budget Reallocation - Configure Budget Reallocation. Generally a negative amount means that revenue is expected to be under budget or expenses are expected to be over budget.
f. Adjustments are entered in this column (Adjustments Dec) and once saved appear in the specified month on the Dashboard Tab and Account Details Tab/Assumptions Sub-tab.  The month in which the adjustments are made is configured on Budget Reallocation - Configure Budget Reallocation.

g. Notes are entered here to explain any changes and once saved appears in the Account Details Tab/Assumptions Sub-tab.

h.  Before changes are saved this column provides a preview of the changes using the calculation formula of b + f = End of Year Position.  Once changes are saved this column equals b.

Below is an example before any adjustments are made.  Please note that the amounts in the  column b are equal to the amounts in the column h.  As the Remaining to Spend for 600-6130-00 is negative the decision is to reallocate dollars from 200-6130-00 to cover the negative.

Below demonstrates how money is reallocated.  Please note that End of the Year Position columns provides a preview of the result of the action taken.

Once the

 is clicked the screen updates as below.  Namely, the Remaining to Spend and End of Year Position columns are updated as per the above discussed formulas, and the Adjustment Dec and Notes columns are cleared and are available for additional entry.  Adjustments YTD and End of Year Position columns equal each other.

However, if a reallocation is made that does not met the criteria as discussed in 1. - 4. above when an attempt is made to save it the following message will appear and the adjustments will not be saved.  To continue click "OK" and delete the impermissible adjustments from column f (Adjustment - December).

As discussed when the Reallocation is saved the Dashboard tab and Assumption Sub-tab are updated with both the dollar changes and the notes. In our example, the adjustments were made in December and that the Notes that are entered in g. appear in the Assumption column.

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