1. From the drop down menu select the Allocation you wish to duplicate;
2. Click the "Duplicate" button and the "Duplicate Allocation - (XXXXXX)" will appear, where XXXXXX is the name of the Allocation selected for duplication in 1 above;
3. Enter the name of the new duplicate Allocation;
4. From the drop down "Destination Budgets" menu select the required BudgetID for the duplicate Allocation. This will populate the duplicate Allocation's source data, Alloc Accts, and Contra Alloc Accts with the selected BudgetID.
5. Click the "Create New" button and the new Allocation will be created and will refresh on the screen;
Below, the above "dept" Allocation was duplicated and named "dept testtwo" and the" DestinationBudgets" was updated to "FY17 Glob" from "Exporter".
6. Click the "Refresh" button to update all data;
7. Click "Save" to allocate the amounts to the Contra Alloc Acct and the Alloc Acct.