How Do I Enter a Position that is Budgeted to Different OrgUnits and/or ActNum? Article

How Do I Enter a Position that is Budgeted to Different OrgUnits and/or ActNum? Article

1) On the Payroll Assignments  screen enter the position assignment as per usual.  Please see the Payroll Assignments for instructions.  Select this position.


2) When the position is selected in 1. above, the "Specify Payroll FTE Allocations for employee ID"  refreshes to the selected position.  In our example, "Test1";


3) From the drop-down menu select the OrgUnits to which you wish to charge the position.  This selection impacts both where the salary amount is budgeted and where the benefits are budgeted;

4) From the drop-down menu select the ActNums to which you wish to charge the position.  This does not impact the ActNums to which the benefits are budgeted.  This ActNum is determined on the Payroll Expense Definitions .

The ActNum needs to be designated as a "Payroll" ActNum.  

5) Enter the fraction of time the employee is to be budgeted to the OrgUnit/ActNum combination.  1.0 equals full-time. 

In our example, the employee is budgeted 30%  time to 200-5110-00 therefore the fraction to be entered is 0.3, and 70% time to 100-5110-00 and therefore the fraction is .7  Please note that Copy and Paste functionality is available.

6) Click "Save".


7) To review the results of the above selections click on the magnify glass for the required employee and the Payroll Projections Review pop-up screen will appear as below.  In our example, the position's full time salary was $75,000 and 30% of the time was budgeted to 200-5100-00 which is $22,500 and 70% of time was budgeted to 100-5110-00 which is $52,500.   Please note that benefit calculations are based on the employee's time allocation  For example, medical cost for OrgUnit 200 is 30% of the total medical cost.


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