How Do I Setup Payroll? Article

How Do I Setup Payroll? Article

1) Enable account number to be used for payroll budgeting on the Manage Budget Accounts by:

A) checking the "Payroll" box for the appropriate account; and

 B) then saving your work.

2) Add the employees/groups of employees you wish to budget to using the Employee Roster functionality.

3) Setup the PR Assignments Calendar if necessary to map the number of pay periods for each fiscal period (weekly, semi-monthly etc)  and this window also drives the number of pay periods specified per fiscal period on the Payroll Expense Definitions for the "Annual Amt - Custom PPDs" selection.  Specifying the number of pay periods is optional if you budget payroll expense evenly across all fiscal periods. 

4) Setup the Hourly or Eligiblity Calendar which is used to define the Payroll Pay Period for the Hourly Staffing screen  and the Eligible Date field on the Payroll Assignments screen.

5) Setup the Payroll Expense Definitions.  Common payroll expenses include health care, taxes (Fica etc), employer pension contributions, bonuses etc.

6) Setup the Payroll Assignments for each non-hourly employee which includes their salary, salary increases, Payroll Expense Definitions (for example if the employee is eligible for employer paid health care and cost of there plan would be assigned to them on this screen.)

7) Setup the Hourly Staffing which is used to assign pay rates, increases, budgeted Straight/Regualr and Overtime Hours by payroll period (as defined on the Hourly or Eligibility Calendar) and Payroll Expense Definitions to an individual employee or to a group of employees with the same pay structure.  

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